Your First Open Source Contribution

Welcome to the Gofannon community! This guide will walk you through making your first contribution step by step.

Step 1: Set Up Your Development Environment

  1. Install Python 3.10+
    • Download from
    • Verify installation: python --version
  2. Install Git
    • Download from
    • Verify installation: git --version
  3. Set Up GitHub Account

Step 2: Fork and Clone the Repository

  1. Fork the Repository
  2. Clone Your Fork
    git clone  
    cd gofannon  
  3. Set Up Remote
    git remote add upstream  

Step 3: Set Up the Project

  1. Install Dependencies
    pip install poetry  
    poetry install --all-extras  
  2. Run Tests
    poetry run pytest  

Step 4: Find an Issue to Work On

  1. Browse Issues
    • Go to Issues
    • Look for “good first issue” labels
    • You can also propose a new function (there is a template for doing this).
  2. Claim the Issue
    • Comment on the issue saying you’d like to work on it
    • Wait for maintainer approval

Step 5: Make Your Changes

  1. Create a New Branch
    git checkout -b feature/your-feature-name  
  2. Make Your Changes
  3. Commit Your Changes
    git add .  
    git commit -s -m "Your commit message"  

Step 6: Push and Create a Pull Request

  1. Push Your Branch
    git push origin feature/your-feature-name  
  2. Create Pull Request
    • Go to your fork on GitHub
    • Click “Compare & pull request”
    • Fill out the PR template
    • Link to the issue you’re addressing

Step 7: Address Feedback

  1. Respond to Reviews
    • Make requested changes
    • Push updates to your branch
    • Comment on resolved conversations
  2. Final Approval
    • Wait for maintainer approval
    • Address any final comments

Step 8: Celebrate!

Once your PR is merged:


Common Issues

  1. Tests Fail
    poetry run pytest -v  
    • Check test files for examples
  2. Merge Conflicts
    git fetch upstream  
    git rebase upstream/main
    # Resolve conflicts, then:
    git rebase --continue  
  3. Code Style Issues
    poetry run black .  

Next Steps

Welcome to the open source community!