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Submit to Workshop   Visit AAAI 25

Submission Details

Schedule & Timeline

Date Event
October 11, 2024 AAAI Publishes Workshop Call for Papers
October 14, 2024 EasyChair submission portal opens for this Workshop.
November 24, 2024 Workshop Submissions Due to Organizers
December 9, 2024 Organizers send acceptance/rejection letters to participants
December 19, 2024 AAAI-25 Early Registration Rate ends
January 13, 2025 Authors send final submissions to the Organizers
March 4, 2025 Workshop Program at AAAI-25, Pennsylvania Convention Center


This one-day workshop will include a keynote, a panel, research presentations, hands-on demonstrations and a poster session.


We expect 50-75 participants to support the following types of contributions related to Open Source AI:

  • Research papers
  • Posters (maximum 10)
  • Hands on Demonstrations

Accepted papers require in-person presentation by at least one author.

Submission Requirements

We accept the following submission types as pdf documents in the AAAI format.

  • Research papers (8 pages)
  • Posters on Research topics (4 pages)
  • Hands on Demonstrations (2 pages)

The page limits include references and any appendices. The review process will be single blind.

Publication Plan

AAAI no longer produces technical reports for its workshops. All accepted papers will be available at this workshop website. Authors are encouraged to share their work on platforms like arXiv or other online repositories for archival purposes.