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Submission Guidance

Successful research papers and posters would focus on making headway in one of the research topics in the Workshop Description page or a similar topic. The submission should explain clearly what aspects of the research are relevant to the open source community or the open source stack.

Research Papers

Research papers are meant for completed work and are expected to provide significant insight in the form of novel ideas related to open source and AI, as well as back up their analysis by sufficient practical evidence. Selected papers will have oral presentations at the Workshop.

Research Posters

Posters are meant to represent on going research and intermediate results for obtaining feedback from the audience. AAAI will provide foam poster boards and easels. Poster boards are 30″x40″ and can be either portrait or landscape orientation.


The criteria for evaluating a demo proposal are its focus on the open source software stack, its impact on the community both in terms of the application itself and the instructive value. Demos should enable and inspire practitioners as well as showcase how specific problems related to AI can be solved within the context of open source.